

Erasmus programme; It is a program that regulates the cooperation between universities of the member and candidate countries of the European Union and the countries that are not members or candidates.

The objectives of the Erasmus Program are:

* Encouraging and supporting inter-country cooperation between universities,

* To ensure the exchange of students and educators in Europe,

* To ensure the academic recognition of the studies and degrees received in the European Union countries.

Undergraduate, graduate and doctoral students and lecturer and staff can participate in this program.

For all exchange activities within the scope of Erasmus, there is a valid “Bilateral Agreement” signed between the host university and the departments for which the cooperation is foreseen, and both parties must have an Erasmus University Charter.

Our university has received the Erasmus University Charter as of May 2005 and has participated in the exchange program as of 2005-2006 academic year. This program is successfully carried out in our department as a result of bilateral agreements with universities in Europe since 2010-2011 academic year.

Since this date, 12 of our students have benefited from learning mobility, 11 students from internship mobility activities and 6 of our faculty members from teaching and training activities.


To become an Erasmus Program student:

* The student must be at least a second year student in the period of joining the program or have a course that can be held at least 30 ECTS before graduation,

* Grade point average; at least 2.20 / 4.00 for undergraduate students and 2.50 / 4.00 for graduate and doctorate students.

Obligations that Erasmus students must fulfill:

* Erasmus learning mobility program varies between 3 months and 12, and the duration is determined according to the bilateral agreement. A student can benefit from Erasmus learning mobility activities once till they graduate.

* The students participating in the program are expected to take courses corresponding to 30 ECTS credits and to be 2/3 successful. Otherwise, monetary contribution must be returned.

* Erasmus students are also required to comply with the exam or other evaluations and rules and regulations of the guest university.

Erasmus Program application processes:

* Erasmus program of our university is carried out by ESOGU International Relations Unit (IRU) (the building behind F5 Blok) address can also be accessed from the homepage of our university.

* UIB announces a Work Schedule every year to determine the next year's students by the end of December.

It is possible to access this work schedule from the web page of the IRU or from the postings posted by the Erasmus Coordinators of the Departments.

* Applications are made on-line from the website of IRU.

* After the announcement of the applications, the foreign language exams are held on the day, hour and place specified in the Working Calendar.

* Final results are announced in the first weeks of March and the fall and spring semesters of Erasmus students are determined.

* After the announcement of the results, a meeting is held in which the participation is mandatory on the day, time and place specified in the Work Calendar and the students' Fall / Spring Term petitions are taken.

* For students who want to renounce this right for different reasons even though they are entitled to participate in the program, the time of giving waivers is also indicated on the calendar, and those who do not comply with the duration will not be accepted.

Universities We Provide Erasmus Student and Staff Mobility “Bilateral Agreement”